The Encyclopedia of Chicago

New to the MVCC library and the internet is The Encyclopedia of Chicago. This reference is the culmination of a ten year project by the Newberry Library and the Chicago Historical Society. You can find The Encyclopedia of Chicago in our library reference section or online, free, at . From the University of Chicago… Continue reading The Encyclopedia of Chicago

Academic Integrity Research Guide

Academic Integrity is a new MVCC Library research guide designed by COL 101 faculty and librarians to stimulate thought, class discussions and ideas for research papers. The provided sources review the challenges and rewards of avoiding plagiarism and cheating. And that it is the responsibility not only of students, but also faculty, and administration, to… Continue reading Academic Integrity Research Guide

Webopedia For Looking Up File Extensions

Webopedia a nice free online resourse for computer and internet technology definitions. I have found their list of data formats and their extensions, at,very helpful when trying to figure out the latest odd file a student presents to me for conversion help.

American attitudes: “program on international policy attitudes” (PIPA)

This website ( reports on research performed by the PIPA of American attitudes on topics of foreign policy and international issues. This is a great resource for students to review when considering topics for their papers and speeches. It is also a great source for those interested in politics and International issues. Polls and surveys… Continue reading American attitudes: “program on international policy attitudes” (PIPA)

Librarian’s Index to the Internet

Librarian’s Index to the Internet: “A searchable, annotated subject directory of more than 12,000 Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to users of public libraries. is used by both librarians and the general public as a reliable and efficient guide to Internet resources.”

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