Got a Green Plan?

If not don’t worry, Lester Brown has one for us all.Staff & faculty: Inspired by Debra Rowe’s talk at our Inservice? Check out one of her recommended  books: Lester Brown’s Plan B. The library has both his initial publication from 2006 “Plan B 2.0”and this year’s update “Plan B 3.0.”Copies are available in the library… Continue reading Got a Green Plan?

Special Education in Higher Education Materials

This year the library participated in a group project with eight other college and university libraries to enhance state holdings of items on Special Education. Moraine’s area of concentration was Special Education in Higher Education. New items include:“Building Pedagogical Curb Cuts” “Disabled Students in Higher Education: Perspectives on Widening Access and Changing Policy” “Exceptional Teaching:… Continue reading Special Education in Higher Education Materials

6th Annual Pumpkin Contest

The Call of the Pumpkin? The Moraine Valley Library is pleased to announce the Sixth Annual Library Pumpkin Contest. Moraine Valley faculty, staff, students, groups, and student organizations are invited to donate decorated pumpkins (no carving, please.) Previous entries include: The Taming of the Pumpkin, Citizen Squash, Lord of the Gourds, Sgt. Pumpkin’s Lonely Squash… Continue reading 6th Annual Pumpkin Contest

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