There are several graphic novel awards presented here in the United States for various aspects of the process of creating the novel, graphic work, or comic book. Here are two of the many with the 2019 winners. 2019 Ignatz Awards Winner Outstanding Graphic Novel: “Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me” by writer Mariko Tamaki and… Continue reading Graphic Novel Awards
Author: Delphine Lytell
Librarian by profession; otherwise, a wonderful human being.
REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE – Last Chance Before the Primary
Have you put off your voter’s registration? This is your last opportunity to register online to vote! March 1, 2020, is the deadline to vote in the Primary which is on March 17, 2020. Here is the website with all of the information: click on State of Illinois Board of Elections. Got your list of… Continue reading REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE – Last Chance Before the Primary
As last year, the IRS has sent just two items for distribution to the public: 1.) a Tax Form booklet with a 1040 tax form and a SR 1040 tax form for senior citizens, and 2.) an Instructions booklet. Most other worksheets, schedules, etc., are available online at IRS.GOV and must be printed. Forms and… Continue reading TAX FORMS AND INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS
Andrew McCollum, Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes. Of these names, most of us recognize Mark Zuckerberg. All five are considered founders of Facebook which was initially called The Facebook, and they were classmates at Harvard. Just a year before this, Mark created a program called FaceMash, a website used to present two… Continue reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY FACEBOOK!
This winter, area students, both from Moraine and from other colleges and universities, will have the opportunity to take a course during the semester break. All but one course are online opportunities to get ahead on your college education. Registration begins on November 7 and all of the details are here.
The 1619 Project
This last August, the Commonwealth of Virginia celebrated the four hundredth anniversary of slaves arriving to this country. Some even want to date the birth of the United States with this significant event. Certainly, slavery has been a huge factor in our history. The New York Times, for its part, has begun “The 1619 Project”… Continue reading The 1619 Project
May 1 is traditionally celebrated in honor of the worker, laborer. In many countries of the world this day is a holiday, their labor day. Here in the Chicago area, there is a bit of history associated with this date: the Haymarket Riot of 1886, although many would dispute the word “riot”. This event was… Continue reading MAY DAY
If you want interactive presentations and PowerPoint just doesn’t do it for you anymore, consider downloading the free app Sway from Microsoft. Go to this website or click here for quick access to the ad for Sway. You can also go to YouTube for some video presentations.
A House that Tilts and Turns
Current technology has produced a house that can tilt and turn to get solar power. Many of the interior features are also innovative. Check out this video from BBC. It is pretty amazing.
Indeed, the time has come for MVCC students and staff to use their MV Connect information to gain access to the library’s databases. While a window will appear automatically asking for a sign-in, database users may find that logging into MV Connect at the onset might make the process smoother. Just remember that you can… Continue reading USER NAME AND PASSWORD NOW REQUIRED FOR MVCC DATABASES