Starting on November 20, in Qatar, and ending on December 18 with the final playoff, soccer fans will have almost a month’s worth of games in various venues or cities. Of course, not all games will be worthy of attention! And, yes, the United States is playing. Here is more information from ESPN for you… Continue reading IT’S WORLD CUP TIME!


This is the year that Leonidas C. Dyer, a Congressman and a Republican, who served eleven terms (1911-1933) in the U.S. House of Representatives from Missouri, proposed the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill after the 1917 Riots in East St. Louis. Although the House voted for the bill, it was not passed into law by the Senate. Thus, begins… Continue reading IT ALL STARTED IN 1918…

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have important fasts and feasts or celebrations this spring

The month-long fast of Ramadan, which Muslims observe, is based on a lunar calendar. It tends to cover the entire calendar ultimately. This year, however, Ramadan begins on April 2. By this time, Christians have had Lent for a month and are preparing for Easter on April 17 (or April 24 for Orthodox Christians). Meanwhile,… Continue reading Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have important fasts and feasts or celebrations this spring


Celebrate October    Here are a few celebrations observed during the month of October from the 1st to the 20th, some fun and some quite serious, thought provoking, important, or somber. 1         Chinese National Day, National Fire Pup Day, National Homemade Cookies Day 2        International Day of Non-Violence Day, Mahatma Ghandi Day, National Name Your… Continue reading OCTOBER HAPPENINGS


Do you know when the news is altered, or old clips are used for current news and misinformation is given as fact? While it may be a challenge for us to research every thing we see or hear on the news, one news service provides some help. Go to and scroll down the page… Continue reading FACT-CHECKING THE NEWS

Ready to Vote?

Even Google’s webpage today has a message acknowledging that today, the fourth Tuesday of September, is National Voter Registration Day. Have YOU registered to VOTE for the upcoming election for President in November?  If not, get the details here at the Illinois Board of Elections or the Cook County Clerk. Also, there is time to get… Continue reading Ready to Vote?

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