60th Anniversary of Civil Rights Sit-Ins

“Greensboro (NC) Lunch Counter — The National Museum of African American History and Culture Washington (DC) 2017” by Ron Cogswell is licensed under CC BY 2.0

This February marks the 60th anniversary of the beginning of sit-in campaigns during the Civil Rights Movement. On February 1st, 1960, four students staged a sit-in at a Woolworth’s in Greensboro, North Carolina. The idea to stage sit-ins spread, led by student activists across the country. 

Interested in learning more? The Library has a number of books about the history of nonviolent protest in the United states, or check out the ebook Civil Rights Sit-Ins, for a comprehensive history of the sit-in movement.

Prefer a visual history? John Lewis (then a student organizer, now a congressman) describes his experience as a leader of the Nashville Sit-Ins in the first book of his award-winning graphic novel series March.

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