The annual Library Pumpkin Decorating Contest is almost here and we can’t wait to see all of your creative entries! Individuals or groups are encouraged to drop off decorated pumpkins for display in the Library beginning Monday, October 21st. Everyone is invited to stop by the Library throughout the week to enjoy and vote for… Continue reading Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Archive Valley, Issue no. 4
Archive Valley, Issue no. 3
Archive Valley, Issue no. 2
Archive Valley, Issue no. 1
Motivation to Read- pt. 1
The one book I can remember specifically reading in high-school was The Canterbury Tales with complicated prose and complex word choice. While those in my class yawned with no urge to read, I surprisingly latched onto the book. What I found interesting to read (especially The Wife of Bath’s Tale) my classmates saw as just… Continue reading Motivation to Read- pt. 1
Feel The Music
So many people listen to music but how many of those listening understand the benefits behind music? I would argue that off the top of our heads, not many could list the psychological/mental and physical benefits that come from music. For example, did you know that music helps with anxiety and stress? If a person… Continue reading Feel The Music
The Importance of Attachment (Connection)
“This will help you build character” is a saying I have heard non-stop from childhood. While this may be true for things like failing a test or going through a break up (what doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger) the saying doesn’t apply to everything. Other use it as a joke but really how… Continue reading The Importance of Attachment (Connection)
2024 Jigsaw Puzzle Competition Results
The pieces have fallen into place, and the 1- Hour Jigsaw Puzzle Competition results are in! PAIRS COMPETITION 3rd Place Annie R. & Anna J. Time: 00:13:15 2nd Place Mal-Gin G. & Nellie M. Time: 00:11:35 1st Place Michelle F. & Lauren P. Time: 00:05:44 SINGLES COMPETITION 3rd Place Bernadette D. Time: 00:17:43 2nd Place Chrissie R.… Continue reading 2024 Jigsaw Puzzle Competition Results